For a full suite of professional painting services, call 0417 060 515 or 07 5486 4900.

Custom Painting and Decorating in Tin Can Bay, Gympie, Rainbow Beach & Cooloola 

Tony Schmidt Painter & Decorator is ready to bring your project to life with custom painting, colours, designs and decorations for interior and exterior spaces. We operate throughout all of Cooloola, including Gympie, Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach. Beautiful paint can transform the look and feel of any room or any statement design. Our painting accents your style and adds refinement to your space.   

Personalised Design

No two spaces or design aesthetics were created equally. Your style says a lot about who you are, and our custom paint jobs serve to draw even more attention to that statement. Let’s work together to discover which colours and designs say the most about you. From artistic features to minimalistic accents, we can do it all.

Customer Driven 

Behind every great paint job is the client that inspired it all. We’ve been in business for 30 years, and we owe it all to our wonderful customers who challenge our design skills and continue to challenge our expectations of colour. As professional painters, we mesh communication with artistry, so you get the best of both worlds. 

Colour That Communicates

Colour done correctly has a personality of its own, and we make sure that what your colour has to say aligns with the design aesthetic you’re promoting. We create personalised designs, features and painting jobs that elevate the rest of your space. Colour says a lot about you, so let us help you pick the right one.

Free Colour Consultations

We offer free quotes and consultations, so you can make an informed decision about your design before you jump two feet in. 
We’ll work together to land on the colour and design best suited for your space, and give you a completely accurate estimation of your expectations align with your budget. 

45 Years of Experience

We’ve been in business for over 30 years and in the painting industry for over 45. That’s a lot of time to perfect the art of painting and our eyes for design. We’re sure to cover every detail, in communication and in paint!

To bring your design ideas to life, call 0417 060 515 or 07 5486 4900.

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